i need some games to play, stretches and exercises we should be doing and how to do them ,stuff I shud be teaching them , websites to go to,etc. anything that you think wud helpful to me AT ALL.thanks :)
Im teaching a ballet class for 4 and 5 year old girls? got any ideas for me?opera songs
i cant think of a website but here are some ideas:
1."good toes, bad toes"- sit on the floor in a circle with your legs stretched out in front of you and first of all tell them to point their toes ("good toes") and give tell them to clap for their "good toes" then flex their toes and tell them to wag their finger and go "not like that" because those are "bad toes" try to do this with some music.
2. "Mr Crocodile"- start of by saying something like "now we're going to tease mr crocodile", then tell them to strecth their legs out (like before) and reach up for the sky with their hands (who can reach highest?) and then to make sure "mr crocodile" doesn't eat their toes (when you say so) they snap their feet in and hug their knees to their chest then slowly stretch out again and repeat. On the last one when they are stetching out tell them to "wave goodbye to Mr crocodile".
3. "marching" put them in a line in one corner of the room and tell them to take turns marching to the other side, lifting their legs very high and swinging their arms.
4. "galloping like a pony" tell them to put their arms the way you would to be a rabbit but pretend its a pony and then demonstrate how to gallop around the room then get them to do it on their own in a circle.
5. "jumps"- tell them to get into rows and put their feet together and just jump up and down tell them to try and keep their feet together (just parrallel not any position) and jump as high as they can.
6. "points"- staying in the same lines tell then to point their toes "in front of their nose" and tap three times then repeat with the other foot, do this two or three times
7. "curtsy" show them how to do a curtsy, step one side then the other and bend with one leg behind, and then wave goodbye
I hope this helps!! :D
DONT do plieas or releves they are FAR to young to even do real dancing, especially if beginners
Im teaching a ballet class for 4 and 5 year old girls? got any ideas for me?secure browser opera theater
one tip is to play Simon says. you tell them, "Simon says do a pirouette." and they copy. but if you don't say Simon Say's and they copy their out. this turns learning into a game. also, remember that these girls are really young and that they get tired really easily. don't get frustrated if they take to many breaks or aren't listening to you.
hope it helps!
You will probably get all sorts of suggestions, links, etc. but something that is very important to know when evaluating them is that...
At the age of 4 and 5, a child can only mentally control one thing at a time. Thus an activity that would require doing something different with say both a hand and a foot, requires controlling two things (a hand and a foot) separately which most 4 and 5 year olds can't do.
You can see this in youth soccer. A child can kick the ball, dribble the ball with his foot. No problem. Controlling one thing. Now ask that child to look for someone to pass that ball to? The child will lose the ball, often even falling over it, because now they are doing two different things simultaneously.
This begins to change at about age 6 or 7. Now before I get trashed, I do understand that every child is different. There are 3 year olds that can play a piano piece with both hands. But the most common trait of the population is that at age 4 and 5, a child can only control one thing at a time. Recognizing this, lacking any other specific information about a child, can make the experience exceptionally enjoyable for them. Not recognizing this can lead to frustration and loss of interest.
have you ever tried that little excercise where you get them to sit on the floor and point their toes up ad down, getting them to say good toes(pointed) naughty toes(stuck up straight) i used to that, i forgotten techniqual terms for everything sorry, good luck
start out with some neck and shoulder streches then show them a couple moves and then at the end of class play a quick game i've been dancing sense i was 2 and i'm 9 so i know what i'm doing cause i was ballet when i was young
Teach them what you no.But start witth the basics.If they never learned it then start with releve' and plea and the meaning of them.Dont start with perotes'(if thats how you spell it.
I teach some classes at the age too! They are so much fun. I found a book and cd set called "Music %26amp; Movement in the Classroom" by Steven Traugh %26amp; Greg Scelsa
It has two cd's and a book with lyrics and instructions for many different types of creative movement activities. They are not 'ballet" but I have found some of the activities useful for warm-ups, teaching levels, high low, etc. There are role playing songs too that are perfect for this age developmentally (example: New Zoo Review asks children to act like each specific animal) My classes love this! Good Luck!
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