Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can "Swan Lake" ballet be called "poultry in motion?"?

It's Bad Pun Day.

Can "Swan Lake" ballet be called "poultry in motion?"?palace theatre

that's what I'm talking about. we need to see more silly one liners! thanks a million for the laugh, it was a perfect pic me up, but the others are right... it's from chicken run

Can "Swan Lake" ballet be called "poultry in motion?"?concert tickets opera theater

Hahahahaha I really like you question. Made me laugh!
Lol, you got that from Chicken Run I think. Still a good line.
That sucks, but it makes me laugh at the same time.. I got the urge to ask someone that now, but I know it sucks........really bad.
I sawr it in a treehater once ..yes quite mooing

that was reeely gud!

By the way, which motion do u mean?
No cos chickens are poultry. Swans are just water fowl.
Please do call it "Chicken Run" !!! LOL !!!

WHY NOT!!!! Good Idea! i mean Great idea!

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