Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you consider ballet a sport?

I think we're confusing "sport" and "athleticism". What most everyone is describing is athleticism and there is no doubt that ballet is extremely athletic. Arguably one of the most athletic pursuits possible for the human body. Case closed in that regard. But is it a "sport"?.

I think you have to examine the INTENTION of the activity to come to a conclusion. Is the intention of the ballet dancer to win? Not really... It is to communicate the design of the choreographer as well as their heart felt personal interpretation of a work of art. Is the intention of a pole vaulter to express grace or beauty? Not really... they intend to jump as high as possible. Does the ballet dancer sometimes compete to win a position or a role? Yes... but they do that via their competence as an artist, as a communicator. Is a 40 yard pass completion sometimes a thing of great beauty? Absolutely!, But is that the quarterbacks intention? No, he intends to score a touchdown and win the game.

So, maybe it is in exploring the purpose or intention of the activity that helps define it.

Do you consider ballet a sport?soap opera

yes dude

Do you consider ballet a sport?city opera opera theater


it takes tremendous amount of effort and practice
I think anything that uses your body as an instrument and you have to have high physical strength is a sport.
no it is an art, there is no competitive ballet that i know of. a sport is a contest
it is an artist exercise
Yeah!!! You have to practice,work hard and have some talent!!! Just like any other sport!!!
Undoubtedly! Stand in point shoes for 15 minutes, then you'll believe that it most definitely is a sport and requires more muscle strength than ANY contact sport!
Dancing is a physical activity, but in my opinion unless it is done in competition it is not a sport.

its very strentuous and takes a lot of muscles

and 110% effort and heart

it's really hard work

much more than other types of dance
Yes ballet takes a whole lot of self discipline and practice to get really good at it. It is a sport but also a form of art like gymnastics.
yes most definatly. you work yourself as mush as you do in football or baseball so why shouldn't it be?
All types of dance are sports. Ballet, Hip-Hop, Jazz, tap, etc. I take ballet, and it definitly is a workout. You have tos tretch every muscle in your body. You have to work on building up your leg muscles, that way you can spin better and faster, and have a stronger plat form, when doing pk turns, channaie turns, and leaps. Some excersises we do to build our leg muscles are, beats around your legs either hon de hor(inside) or on the outside. This is how it works you stand in first position with one leg out to the side of your knee and circle it around your knee back and forth. Do this a hundred times you'll feel the burn. People get the idea that we just hold our arms gracefully and prance around. That is a FALSE assumption.
Ballet is an art. It is at a much higher level than sports like basketball or football because we put a lot of ourselves into it and need to be really expressive and emotional when we dance. We're performers, not goal-scorers or field goal-makers. I'm not putting dancers above other athletes, but we do need something more than they need.
Hell yeaaa!

Ballet is movement, ballet is more than a sport, ballet is an art form. Any one who says otherwise can face my rath, ( and let me say it is pretty when I kick your butt ballet-style)

yea- it's really difficult (it took me 12 years to be where I am) and it's physically demanding
I think it was intended to be a form of dance. But for me to try to ballet would be like playing one man tackle football.
i see your logic but i still think ist more of an art thena sport
It is much more than a sport. (I've done sports too formany years and I'm not saying it's easy.) Dance is an art. If you dance a routine with perfect technique but no expression then yeah maybe it's a sport. But then what is the point of having good technique if you don't use it to express anything. Competition or not, the point of sport is to be faster and stronger but the point of dance is to show the beauty and express some thoughts or emotions through the great capabilities of your body that you achieve with training.
Yes. But in a way it is its own category of sport.

Dancing is a lot harder than it looks and it really pisses me off then football players and other athletes say "dancing isn't a sport and its for sissy's"

All i want to say to them try standing on pointe shoes with all your weight on two or three toes. Try stretching till it hurts or dancing so hard you almost pass out.
of course! it takes skill, practice, time, strength, and flexibility. just because it isnt a contact sport doesnt mean it isnt a sport....
I consider all types of dance a yes.

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